About us

On our platform you may easily record personal, private and confidential detail regarding what matters to you. You can add to and change it whenever you like. It's secure and you retain control of this but you can share it, or grant credentials to see it, for any person or organisation who would need it to help bring your plans to life.


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Travel Time Well Spent

However far you’d like to go for a break it’s always worth making a plan.

Choose places that interest you whether you seek relaxation, enlightenment, adventure or anything in between; solo or with others in your life.

Positive Health & Habits

Your health, habits and, sometimes, resilience are vital to making the best of life. Consider how you are, and how to get, or stay, as well as you can.

Plan to help yourself, or benefit from expert support – both now and in the future.

Child of Mine

The moment a child arrives in your life you look ahead to what you’ll do together and your hopes for them. Planning what they need such as care, education and experiences.

Along the way you’ll be helping them prepare for their own major life steps towards adulthood.

Making Plans A Reality

Although not all plans require money, many of them will involve either making it or using it! 

Key life events are a good time to reflect; to plan how to make money work for you, and perhaps for others who matter.

Open My Door

Where to live is one of the most important choices you make. Finding and funding a place and making it feel like home takes a good deal of planning.

As, of course, does moving on when the time is right for change.

Get Me Some Wheels

Explore your options for freestyle transport whenever and wherever you wish.

Planning ahead, weighing up aspects such as reliability, sustainability, comfort and costs will help you be ready to take the best option when it’s offered.

A Right-Fit Role

Your own personal values and skills can give you purpose and meaning. When your career aligns with them you feel motivated, engaged and satisfied, and able to reap the rewards of the time you invest.

Plan the next steps in your work portfolio by exploring your options.

Just-In-Case Forethought

1 in 3 of us will experience loss of capacity during our life due to illness or injury.

Forethought prepares you for the un-planned. Then, if needed, others will be equipped with the knowledge to make decisions on your behalf as closely as possible to those you would have made for yourself.

Regular Good Vibes

Pause to plan how to spend what free time you have doing things which bring you joy.

Follow your passions and discover new skills – at home, away from home, for yourself and with, or for, others.


Feel free
to contact us

Margery McConnell

Iain Henderson


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